Wednesday, 16 May 2018

DAD, PAPA, DADDU, FATHER, Who Sacrifices his whole world for only his children


The word just give a Power to me. Such power which can't be broken.

I was the first child to my father. So he loves me a lot. Each and every small wish was fulfill with a big smile on his face. My first B'Day I cut the cake on the time when i was born. Of course for all other it might be silly or rubbish thing but for a father it was a very big thing which he celebrated with lots of efforts.

First Bday at time when i was born
I Love my father a Lot

when i was born i used to sleep in afternoon and play whole night. My father after working the whole day on his shop without any regret and with all enthusiasm he play with me.

Father Playing in Night(Thank You Papa)
When I was nearly around 3 or 4 years i used to eat ice-cream. I love Ice-Cream alot. In Summer I and Papa used to go out in night for ice-cream. One day i slept early. Then at 12 in night i waked up and asked my father for ice cream. At that moment means at 12 in night i and my father went to home of that ice cream parlour and asked him to open the shop and he finally do that and i ate my favourite ice cream.

Hats of to my father for as he fullfill my wish at 12 in night
My father is a very common Man but for me he is a very special Father. He treat me more like a Princes. And fulfill each and every small wish of mine.

Today I am also having a daughter but when i compare ME and MY HUSBAND to My MOTHER And FATHER we both are zero.

In Today's busy schedule we are not giving love to our children we are only earning money for them. But they need our Time.

Request to all parents Understand their child need and act accordingly.
Thank you so much for spending time on my post. 

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